Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New plans and clean slates.

It's New Year's Eve, and everything is just dripping with possibility! As a general rule, I don't make resolutions. It always felt a bit silly. If I'm going to make some sort of change, I'm going to start it right then. Why wait until the 1st of January? That being said, one thing I really would like to do this coming year is simply treat myself better. I've been working on taking better care of myself. No more eating disorders. A lot less alcohol. I aim to be radiant and healthy as a Spanish bull! Last October, I ran my very first 5k. I am completely hooked on races now. Next year, I'm planning on running Dirty Girl in New Orleans, and I'm definitely running Colorvibe again. Guys, if you are even thinking about doing a fun run, do it! You won't regret it, I promise.
See? There's a party at the end of the race!
I'm going to be nicer to myself too. No more beating myself up over flaws. I will change the things I have the power to change, and I will forget the things I can't change/require major surgery. And I will be okay with it.

I also plan to do a lot more painting. I've been critiquing myself so harshly over the last few months, and usually, that's good because it keeps me working harder. Unfortunately, I've also been holding myself back. I've skipped putting my paintings in shows, dropped commissions, and other ridiculous things like that because I was afraid that people wouldn't like my work. It's  finally dawned on me, though, that I am more afraid of not doing what I love than possibly being rejected by galleries and buyers, so I'm leaving all of my fears in 2013 and running with every opportunity I'm given in the next year. Besides, the more I practise, the better I'll get.

What NOT to do

On a side note, my sister is in town visiting from Virginia, and she brought be a few happies. Check it out. 
She brought me this idea/doodle book thing. It gives you ideas for drawings whenever you are feeling uninspired. It's pretty interesting, and a lot of the ideas require right brain thinking so it's great practise.

Draw something shiny.

And possibly the most beautiful Anthopologie sketch book ever...
You guys. That leather is like butter.
And these pencils.
I don't know anything about the cores, but they certainly look lovely.

Here's to a brand new shiny 2014! A year to make changes, appreciate everything more, to improve what I already have, and to hold to hope that things will only get better.
Cheers, my darlings.

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